Quote Search Page Fields and Buttons

You use this page to find quotes, so that you can view them, manage them, export their information, and output them to a predefined report template.

The search filter fields above the data grid are the default search fields. You can select the fields that you want to use as search filters using the Search Filter Profiles pop-up. The grid columns that the following tables describe are the default columns. You can select the columns that you want to see on the grid using the Column Selector Profiles pop-up.

Top of Page

Field Description
Click to access the Search Filter Profiles pop-up, where you can select to display/not display columns in the grid and then save your selections as a Search Filter profile.
Click to add a link to this page on your home page.

Above the Data Grid

Field Description
Quote Number Enter a quote number to use in search criteria.
Client Name Enter a client name to use in search criteria.
Project Name Enter a project name to use in search criteria.
Name Enter all or part of the name of the quote that you want to search for.
System Status Use the default value—Showing All—to see quotes regardless of system status; choose a status from the drop-down to limit the search results to quotes that have that status.
  • Draft — The quote is not yet ready to issue.
  • Progress — The quote is ready to show to the client.
  • Complete — You have won the quote. (Note that when you convert a quote to a job, the quote's system status changes to Complete automatically.)
  • Declined — You did not win the quote.
User Status Use the default value—Showing All—to see quotes regardless of the user status; choose a status from the drop-down to limit the search results to quotes that have that status.
Sales Stage Use the default value—Showing All—to see quotes regardless of sales stage; choose a status from the drop-down to limit the search results to quotes that have that stage.
Click to display or hide the Sales Funnel pane at the left side of the grid. The sales funnel breaks down the current search results into a graphical view. When the Sales Funnel pane is not displayed, the sales funnel icon is grayed out.
Click to clear the search criteria.
Click to perform the search using the specified criteria.

Data Grid

Field Description
Click to access the Column Selector Profiles pop-up, where you can select to display/not display columns and then save your selections as a Column Selector profile.
Quote # This column displays the numbers of the quotes in your TrafficLIVE system.
Date Created This column displays the date when the quote was created.
Client This column displays the name of the client for whom the quote was created.
Relationship This column displays the relationship, such as client, prospect, or ex-client.
Project This column displays the name of the project to which the quote is related.
Quote Name This column displays the name of the quote.
Type This column displays the quote type, such as Design for Print.
Quote Owner This column displays the name of the quote's owner.
Client Contact This column displays the name of the client contact.
Order Anticipated This column displays the date when you expect to win the job that this quote represents This is the Order Anticipated date as set on the New Quote page.
Deadline This column displays the job deadline date as set on the quote, which is the projected date of finishing the job that is being quoted.
Client Ref This column displays any information that the client provided and that was entered in the Client Ref field on the New Quote page.
System Status This column displays the quote status:
  • Draft — The quote is not yet ready to issue.
  • Progress — The quote is ready to show to the client.
  • Complete — You have won the quote. (Note that when you convert a quote to a job, the quote's system status changes to Complete automatically.)
  • Declined — You did not win the quote.
Quote Owner's Department This column displays the quote owner's department.
Quote Owner's Location This column displays the quote owner's location.
User Status This column displays the user-defined status of the quote. This status is defined by the TrafficLIVE administrator.
Sales Stage This column displays the sales stage of the quote, such as Lead.
Quote Value This column displays the value of the quote.
Probability Of Proceeding (%) This column displays a percentage that represents the likelihood that the quote will proceed.
Factored Value This column displays the factored value, which is the result of multiplying the value of the quote by its probability of proceeding.
Free Tags This column displays tags that are assigned to the quote to help categorize or search for the quote.
UID This column displays the system-generated ID number of the quote record.
Page navigation Click Previous or < to move backward one page; click Next or > to move forward one page.
Click to export the data that the current view is displaying to a CSV file.
Click to output the data that the current view is displaying to a report that your TrafficLIVE administrator has defined.